Write About Now

church fatigue, part 2

Last week’s post, in which I confessed my boredom with attending church services, hit a nerve.

People re-posted it on their Facebook pages, linked to it on Twitter, and left dozens of comments expressing both anger and agreement with my thoughts. A few, including Skye Jethani, even wrote blog posts of their own in response.

Every blogger, if she’s honest, loves finding a topic that generates discussion (and page views). But I’m sad it was this one, because it means many of you share my “church fatigue.”

There was the anonymous pastor who confessed his own boredom with the services he himself plans and leads, a 70-something Christian who admits to being bored in church for most of his life, and a 40-something who’s resigned himself to it but wonders why it’s so hard to have this discussion and why his church’s answer is to volunteer more.

I wish these readers, and the many others who shared their stories, had said my perspective was incomprehensible. Unfortunately, the numbers who resonated with my confession point to some larger problems in the way we “do church.”

Here are my thoughts after a week:

—Skye nailed it with his observation that we are longing for “the transcendent” in our worship. “This is likely what’s behind, in part, the movement of many evangelicals toward high-church traditions and liturgy,” he writes. “They’re hungry for something beyond culturally-familiar or Christianized versions of pop trends.”

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard leaders proclaim the need for church to be “relevant” to our culture. They mean well, but relevance is not to be found in a music style or a sermon series playing off the name of a popular TV show. It comes from Jesus, the Jesus who hung out with broken people, the Teacher who modeled a new way to live in relationship with God, the Redeemer who lived among us and still meets us at the Communion table. Jesus is never irrelevant, never boring. Why is our worship?

I don’t think our preachers and worship leaders are responsible for me having that transcendent experience every week. For one thing, we all define that differently. Recently I’ve experienced God by listening to music and watching a purple sunset, by crying with a dear friend who lost her husband to a heart attack, by reading and thinking about good books, and by exchanging ideas with perceptive mentors. Other people will have very different lists and no one weekly experience is going to speak to each of us equally. (Nor is the emotional impact of that experience the correct measurement.)  Seeing a worship leader as responsible for my relationship with God ignores biblical teaching and guarantees these pastors will feel a burden to, as one commenter put it, get it right at the front of the room. “I know I carry that burden,” he said. “And it’s wearing me out.”

—That being said, if going to church matters, then it matters what we do, and someone has to lead it. But must that look the way it does?

I like what Jeremy said in response to Skye’s blog:

“….many passages in the Epistles make me wonder if the traditional American church organization really is (or contains) a Biblical church.

I Corinthians 14 speaks to it most directly. “When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up. … Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said. If a revelation is made to someone else sitting nearby, let the first person be silent. For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and all be encouraged.”

We pride ourselves on restoring New Testament Christianity, but I’ve never been to a service like this. Why not?

Have we simply over-elevated the importance of one weekly service (and our expectations of it)? Dan Kimball’s books remind us we’ve made weekly worship the entrance point for seekers and the “if you do nothing else, do this” baseline of our faith.

According to Alan Hirsch and Tim Stevens, that’s only effective for a shrinking minority. Instead, what if consistent participation in service to others and personal worship were the true indicators of a person’s Christianity, and corporate worship was less about the seeker and more about equipping the disciple to live this sacrificial lifestyle?

Of course, that would require a congregation full of growing Christians, all serving and praying and forgiving and submitting and leading from their gifts. That’s messy and difficult. It’s hard to manage and requires many, many leaders each discipling a handful of others over time. It’s no wonder we’ve defaulted to a Sunday routine. But if God intended the church to be more than this, it’s also no wonder we’re bored.

I don’t think I get to complain about something if I’m not willing to be part of the solution. But I’m still not sure what that means. How do you think weekly church needs to change? Is going micro the solution? What can we do individually to make the corporate experience more meaningful, for us and the others who attend?

August 24, 2010 - Posted by | opinions, RM, the church, worship | , , , , , , , ,


  1. The common idea that Sunday is the beginning of the week could possibly be a stumbling block for the bored church goer (which I certainly can point to many times of my life where I am/have been just that person!). Maybe the perspective and end result of the service would change if we could walk in the doors expectant to give as opposed to expectant to receive. If we approach Sunday as the end to our week– a time to reflect on all the personal ways the Lord has revealed himself, taught, loved, disciplined –then we come expectant to give– give to him through worship and to others through our transparency.

    If I recount the “holy” moments throughout the previous week and choose to openly feel all the emotions those moments/ situations (or possibly just one event) again in front of God, with others (and as a musician in front of others); then, I am bringing my transparency to the Lord and to the church. I can personalize the lyrics of the songs, promises of The Word and challenges of the meditations to my independent experiences. Maybe this identification is in complete contrast to my current emotional state. I can see it as hope and feel my grief in the middle of it…remembering the Lords faithfulness. This is a vulnerable thing to do on many levels for me, because I often feel the gamut from bursting into tears or leaping for joy (in a crazy electric guitar solo complete with mistakes) and much in the middle. This lays my heart in front of people to be seen and possibly criticized. Yet, on the other hand, this is a very freeing thing to do because it brings with it a “newness” a “freshness” of the Lord promised in his word that occurs every morning.

    I think people crave something new and something real. Being a church goer all of my life and leader much of it, I crave the newness and freshness of the Lord. Not in the vogue or vanity fair of cultural relevance, but in the sense that we live in a society of constant changes, and we are changing ourselves as we are being made alive in Christ. And, sometimes the new is found in the old, in the remembering, in the liturgy.

    At a mini marriage retreat my husband and I were asked to repeat our vows to one another. I remember that experience being a very emotional one for me. I could hardly mouth the words for the tears. The promises of “in sickness and health” “for richer or poorer” was much more real after 11 years of marriage. Those “old phrases” carried with them a greater weight and deeper love. The first time I spoke them, as a 21 year old newly wed, I didn’t have the life experiences to accompany the vows. But, the 2nd time I said them I did. As I continue to grow in love and experiences, I’m sure those words will carry an even greater weight in another 10 years and so on. The experience for me was unforgettable. The old was made new and fresh and extremely worshipful.

    I don’t have many answers, but I do believe that this can be found in the Word of God, in songs both new and old, through the power of Jesus Christ each day of our lives AND on Sunday. I desperately want to help a hurting world and a hurting church find it so that we, as the church together, can be the radiant bride of Christ God intended for us to be–alluring and beautiful, real and exciting.

    Comment by Emily Plank | August 24, 2010 | Reply

    • LOVE these thoughts. And I love the story about you and your wonderful husband.

      Comment by Jennifer | August 24, 2010 | Reply

    • For me, the Liturgy is everything. It is a conduit that connects the present Church to that which came before. One Church that spans throughout the ages. The ancient rites and the new. It is transcendent and raises us far above the common and mundane. How could one be bored with Church if they truly understood what was going on at that moment and that they were standing in the presence of Christ .. God Himself present on the Alter? How can one be bored if they truly understood what’s happening during the proclamation of the Gospel and receiving of Communion?

      Why do evangelical Christians feel they Must mold services to fit seekers and discard two millennium of Christian tradition teaching and worship as being irrelevant or outdated? What happened to the Way of the Cross … the sacrificial way of Christian life? The breaking of bread? Isn’t that what the first few books of The Acts of the Apostles speaks of over and over?

      When I’m at Church and hear the words of Our Lord and God … ” take this all of you and eat , this is My body” … ” take this all of you and drink .. this is the cup of My blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant which will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven …” my heart is so stricken with shame and unworthiness and yet filled with such love and thankfulness…boredom isn’t a concept I can even comprehend! Boredom??? Beloved, am I wrong to say if you’re bored at Church, maybe you’re attending the wrong church, or maybe the fault lies with your own expectations?

      Here’s the thing .. Church worship was Never meant to be about how we felt or our experience or what we can get out of it or being entertained! … It is all about C H R I S T ! Once we realize this we will come to understand we have been our own stumbling block.

      If “Jesus” through the “Liturgy” were truly and substantially the focus of our worship, and not a hip well spoken pastor, seeker sensitive formats, cool rock music and culturally relevant themed sermons and slick marketing campaigns etc then Boredom would have no place in our hearts!

      Comment by Stephen St.James | August 11, 2011 | Reply

      • Stephen, I agree that Jesus is not boring, and I don’t want to discourage your intimacy with Him. Your zeal for the Lord is inspiring and heartwarming. Thank you for sharing.

        I can’t help but suggest though that liturgical worship is for many is a barrier to the Lord rather than a portal. It transcends generations, true, but it’s still a product of human design. It’s not biblical, and many have suggested it’s in conflict with the church meetings described in the bible. I agree with this view.

        I don’t begrudge anyone’s choice of worship – love of the Lord and the fellowship of believers is what’s critical. But can you see the view from the other side of this particular fence?

        Comment by Jeremy | August 15, 2011

  2. Some claim they do not need to go to church to be with God. They claim they can experience God in a number of ways and places.

    I agree. That is why I don’t go to church to be with God. I go to church to be with His people. It’s like a big spiritual family meal every week.

    It probably is a good idea for some to changes their Sunday morning expectations. If we are expecting God to show up with hummus and tell us what we are supposed to do with our lives then I fear we are in for many disappointments.

    Comment by Matt | August 24, 2010 | Reply

    • Hmmm…..I don’t think I ever said I wanted God to tell me what to do. Those aren’t the expectations that need changing, for most people. Instead, I wonder if we should change our expectations that weekly worship is the be-all, end-all main event; as Kimball would say, move it from the bottom of the pyramid to the top, and place service, evangelism and smaller community life as the base.

      Getting together with other Christians isn’t a good enough reason for me to go.

      Comment by Jennifer | August 24, 2010 | Reply

      • If Sunday morning is not the be-all-end-all (agreed), and regularly gathering with fellow believers is not reason enough to attend, then what is the role of a church service and what would motivate you to want to go?

        And no, you didn’t say that you wanted God to tell you what to do – in a recent post 🙂

        Comment by Matt | August 24, 2010

    • Ahhh … but He does through His Word!

      Comment by Stephen St.James | August 11, 2011 | Reply

  3. Ouch 🙂

    I would just like to connect with God in a way I can’t by myself, at least some of the service, at least some of the time. I no longer expect or even hope for that to happen when I go to church….and I’m (arguably) a spiritually mature person who understands everything I already said about it being largely my responsibility.

    Comment by Jennifer | August 24, 2010 | Reply

    • No arguments on any of those points. Sounds like you are in great shape to me. I look forward to a follow-up post.

      Comment by Matt | August 25, 2010 | Reply

  4. Except communion. Can’t really do that one on my own, according to the biblical model. And so.

    Comment by Jennifer | August 24, 2010 | Reply

  5. See…I CRAVE meaningful worship, organic praise, knowing I’m so deep in the Presence of God…

    And sadly, that type of authentic and amazing worship is hard to find.

    And yet, I continuously look. A friend of mine (ours) once labeled me as a “God-seeker”, which was a descriptor I loved and embraced. I can find Him anywhere–and I can have those moments of unadulterated praise and worship anywhere…alone, with others, driving down the road (that one results in tickets though…).

    But there is such POWER in corporate worship — knowing that you are at the same time alone in a moment with God, but in a room filled with others having that same moment.

    I find it at Saturday night Mass, in the repeated and comfortable routine, in the words spoken around the world in the same inflection and the same order.

    I find it at a worship service I attend on Monday nights that is so.far.removed from the liturgy of a Mass it’s almost laughable — where people are literally dancing beautifully in front of me, where prophetic words flow freely, where people yell “come on!” to God, where I can sing a brand-new song at the top of my lungs and never have a strange look thrown my way.
    And everywhere in between

    Unfortunately, that in-between rarely encompasses my Sunday morning service…and so I find myself more often than not worshiping with our youth group, visiting with people in the lobby, and turning my car out of the parking lot before second service begins.
    Often, I go visit another church service
    And sometimes I just go home
    Knowing that I’ll get my “meaningful” worship the next evening

    It’s not a perfect solution…it’s not necessarily one that I’m proud of…but it’s what works right now, and God and I have chats about it quite often 🙂

    Comment by lora | August 24, 2010 | Reply

    • AMEN! 🙂 I crave it too! So much, that when I’m playing, and heading out the door on Sunday mornings I can think of no other place I’d rather be going on the planet. The corporate worship that happens when 2 or more are gathered and the power it summons is fuel for my faith! We have to remember that our true struggle is not against flesh and blood but is in the realm of the unseen–“against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms; Eph 6:12”. A friend of mine called my husband (the worship pastor at our church) a true warrior in that struggle. He believes (and now I do as well) that our greatest weapon against the evil that seeks to kill and destroy is worship. Together we are stronger in this battle than alone. And, together, we can “summon the troops” to take back what is ours in Christ when we gather corporately.

      Comment by Emily Plank | August 25, 2010 | Reply

  6. Well, I guess I’m on board with “the movement of many evangelicals toward high-church traditions and liturgy.” The weekly service in liturgical churches is framed as a place to receive strength and gace to then go out into the world with the gospel in word and deed.

    At the end of Holy Eucharist in the order of “The Book of Common Prayer,” the officiant says one of the following blessings: “Let us go forth in the name of Christ,” or “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord,” or Let us go forth into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Spirit,” or “Let us bless the Lord.” And the people respond: “Thanks be to God.”

    So, the Anglican liturgy sees the ‘service’ as a preparation for going back out into the world to do God’s work, and in this way glorifying and blessing God outside of the walls of the church building.

    Surely, we in other Christian traditions can learn from the old ways–call it high-church, whatever. Wouldn’t it be so refreshing for the minister, the deacon, the elder, the worship leader (whoever) to send out the church at the end of a weekly service with the kind of blessing we find in the Book of Common prayer? And, how would our weekly services be shaped differently, if the idea of “sending out the people with God’s grace and love for the world” was the goal of our weekly services? So, We would enter into worship to have an experience of God so that we may, then, carry out that grace and truth to the world. I like it!

    thanks for generating so much good discussion!

    Comment by Ryan Connor | August 25, 2010 | Reply

    • Great thoughts. I’m seriously considering attending liturgical services for a while….it’s better than not going at all, and I like the rituals of “high church” more than the rituals of evangelical non-denominational services.

      Comment by Jennifer | August 26, 2010 | Reply

    • I’m of the Roman Catholic Rite, I love and embrace all my Christian brothers and sisters ,,, specially my Anglican brethren .. I enjoyed your comments and agree with what you have so eloquently stated.

      Comment by Stephen St.James | August 11, 2011 | Reply

  7. Wow . . . I have to say that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE church! More importantly I can’t say that this has always been my experience however. As a faithful follower of Jesus my whole life, I have had my share of (boring) church services. In fact 2007 was one of the most difficult years spiritually for me. I spent most of that year dragging myself to church and being on my church’s leadership team only seemed to cause me to sink deeper into the quicksand of what seemed like a lifeless and powerless faith. Don’t get me wrong, I went to a great bible believing, God loving church, but what I couldn’t put into words was what was missing. I remember trying to relay my concerns to my pastor when I completed my two-year tenure on the church governing board, “It feels almost impossible to articulate. It’s not that there is something bad; It’s that something is not right”. What I learned later is that God had been growing a hunger in me for something greater. It’s not that what I was experiencing before was “bad”, but once again something just wasn’t right. And although I couldn’t put my finger on it at the time, that something was a lack of power. That something was a lack of the tangible presence and power of God – namely the Holy Spirit.

    I started off this blog comment with the statement that I love church. But was is perhaps even more critical than that is that I find myself passionately in love with the God of my youth who I now experience in real and tangible ways through my spirit, my senses and my WHOLE being. He has become so real to me that I often joke that I wasn’t really a Christian before. Not true of course, for with God it is always “from Glory to Glory”, however there is a tangible difference. Like the story in Ezekiel 47, I KNOW that God has taken me from what felt like only an ankle deep experience with Him to something much much deeper ☺

    It happened, seemingly miraculously at the time, one fine day in February in Oak Park IL. I had an encounter with Jesus like I had never had up until that point in my 30+ years of being a Christian. While visiting a friend’s church, Jesus met me and reintroduced me to the person of the Holy Spirit. That encounter was spiritual, emotional AND physical. And what I later learned is that when you are introduced to the Holy Spirit you are introduced to the incarnate Power of God. Ephesians 1:18 to the end took on new meaning as I began to experience first hand His power not only in my life (and church life) but through my life leaking out on anything and everything in it’s path! I started to know and actually feel His presence in a tangible way. A little over two years after my encounter and I still struggle with the words to describe it. All I can say is that it felt like I had won the lottery only to realize that I had never bought a ticket and yet the winnings were all mine.

    Needless to say my life and church has never been the same since. I did with much heartache leave my church of 15 years but I am not saying that this is what others should do but it is what God had me do. After I began to experience the Holy Spirit, God’s tangible presence, power and freedom like I had never experienced before, I was ruined for anything less.

    What I would like to say to you Jen and to the like-minded contributors is this. I have learned and believe now that your dissatisfaction is a gift. It is a gift that already has you down the path to receive more. God’s message to every dissatisfied Christian is this . . . “I have MORE for you!” ☺ That “more” is found in the person of the Holy Spirit.

    Blessings, Margaret

    Comment by Margaret N. | August 25, 2010 | Reply

  8. P.S. If you are not finding what you want at church then go to the source. Like I mentioned above, this type of disillusionment is a gift and like gifts at Christmas not everyone gets the same one. My prayer for you is this, “Holy Spirit come cause your beautiful daughter Jen wants, no, NEEDS more!! 🙂

    Comment by Margaret N. | August 25, 2010 | Reply

  9. Disillusionment with church is not a gift but an indictment, and has less to do with the type of service or sermon, than with us. We have lived lives sitting at the church buffet. We act like little birds driving God crazy with our constant cries of “feed me, feed me” when we are already well fed. We simply choose to stay in the nest, and have the nerve to complain the nest gets boring. I think the cure is geting out of the salt shaker to serve. Go give grace to people so needy for the Lord that you can’t beat a path back to church fast enough, not begging to be fed, but absolutely dying to get a trasfusion of grace, a refill, a top-off, that will be drained-every drop-out of us between fill ups. Then our worship becomes ABSOLUTELY VITAL AND LIFESAVING no matter its content or style. Too much of the world lives barely surviving, and when we get involved, depending on God out on a limb, then our worship will not be menial or mundane, but fulfilling and refreshing, full of nothing but thankfulness.

    Comment by Kathy McCann | August 27, 2010 | Reply

  10. “[A] congregation full of growing Christians, all serving and praying and forgiving and submitting and leading from their gifts … [is] hard to manage and requires many, many leaders each discipling a handful of others over time. It’s no wonder we’ve defaulted to a Sunday routine. But if God intended the church to be more than this, it’s also no wonder we’re bored.”

    This is the heart of my frustrations and uncertainty. God has shown displeasure at bare-minimum faith throughout Scripture, and our Sunday mornings very much seem to be “the ‘if you do nothing else, do this’ baseline of our faith.”

    Of course, the paradox is that we desperately long for that transcendental becoming, of purification and holy perfection, but in equal measure we dread and avoid the process. Our incapacity for God’s holiness shackles our will. We say “if not the whole, surely part-way is better than nothing.”

    Maybe that’s true, and maybe not; I have no idea. But at some point we settle. It’s no longer a compromise between nothing and holiness; it’s the new standard, which leads to further compromise. So went Israel, as their sacrifices slowly became blemished and the priests started taking the choice cuts for dinner.

    And then there’s grace, isn’t there? All that ‘not good enough’ thinking usually (for me anyway) forgets grace.

    God gave us each gifts in the Spirit for the mutual upbuilding of His Church. Prophecy gets talked about more often these days, but I still never see mention of the apostolic gift. Apostles are the very leaders we lack, who both preach the Gospel to “seekers” and personally mentor new disciples (who are then able to mentor more disciples).

    The Epistles encourage us regularly to hold to the tradition of the apostles, and I honestly think we’ve lost that (a very long time ago, no less). God’s idea of leadership is that drastically different, and it speaks to the kind of faith we must have, to discern our leaders through the Spirit (with a dose of wisdom for good measure).

    Comment by Jeremy | August 28, 2010 | Reply

  11. I think there is something broader afoot here. It’s fatigue with everything. It comes from being over stimulated for years, and decades in some cases. We aren’t even allowing ourselves time to just be, to sit, to read, to talk, to get to know, to enjoy, to discover – all of the simpler joys in life. Every thing has to be bigger than life, more explosive, more noisy, more flashy, more trashy, etc. If one isn’t engaged on a gamer’s level of flash & glam, the person/place/thing can’t be interesting, isn’t relevant, isn’t worthy of our attention/time/effort/love. All of this plays into today’s generation of attention seeking for approval and love lifestyle. Recent example is Montana Fishburn. Why the heck would she need to be more famous than she is already as her father’s daughter? She could have coasted off of that last name forever, but that wasn’t good enough for her. She had to be more famous, and her only avenue was a porn tape using her real name? She thought this all out. That’s scary. And she’s not the only one to do it, nor will she be the last. For a less than famous example, look at any teenager’s Facebook pictures. The antics, the poses, the dirty deeds – all there on display for everyone to be shocked and amused by, to share, to laugh at, to talk about…

    No one wants a simple life anymore, and that’s why people have a hard time with staying awake in churches and other professional settings that require respect, attention, and decorum.

    Comment by Stacerella | September 8, 2010 | Reply

  12. Hey Jen. Haven’t gotten into the fray, and haven’t taken the time to read the replies on these two posts about folks “confessing” they are bored with church services. When I am inclined in that direction, i remember that many in Jesus’ own day were bored with him — another upstart, rogue messiah figure. But not everyone was bored with him. Desperate people were not bored with him. Those who were poor in spirit and needy found great excitement in him. The new believers at our church who don’t think of Sunday gatherings as “going to church” are not bored bored. Maybe we just need to give them a few years to learn that church services aren’t so much about bring the real you to meet the real Jesus, but about something that you’re not supposed to be bored with. If 9/10 folks are bored, i’m not surprised. Jesus one day healed 10 lepers. ONly one worshiped him. Others apparently didn’t see what was in it for them and skipped church taht day, too.

    If I”m bored, it’s probably because i’m less like a hungry, desperate, new believer, or leper whose been touched by Jesus, and more like someone who has become convinced that the church has a problem if I feel bored.

    Then i thougth about it some more and realized what’s so entirely wrong headed about your title and complaint, and what is essentially juvenille about the entire tone of the spray of responses that appear to be nodding their heads about how bored they are with “church.”

    We’ve forgotten what church services are for. Maybe some of us never knew.

    Worship practiced from a Biblical perspective is for God, not for the people offering it. It is in a sense a gift. For the giver to say “I’m bored,” well, um, okay. The issue that’s more imporatnt is what the recipient of the gift is. ANd in worship, do we really think the “same old same old” order of service has anythign to do with God’s interest? REally? Read the OT recently? The question of whether or not the human participants are interested or bored has nothing whatsoever to do with whether worship is “good” or not. Only recently have we allowed into the equation the demand that “my experience” be something that appeases, satisfies, or pleases me. Worship in a biblical perspective is for God, not you. Not me. Not the old ladies, and not the young hipsters who shock the old ladies by saying that chuch just “doesn’t do it for me anymore.” It’s about God. For God. If there is someone who is supposed to not be bored it’s God. I think this is what Danish philosopher/theologian Soren Kierkegaard meant in saying that in worship there is an audience of one (and it’s not me or you.). We are the performers, not the paying spectators.

    The OT wonders often if the offering made in worship will be acceptable to the Lord. Will the sacrifice be worthy of God? Will God be pleased with our worship? There is a possibility worship will be pleasing to God, and a possibility that it will not (just ask Cain). If God’s not happy with what you offer, too bad for you. Just thinking about that ought to keep us awake, I would think. You just might get zapped or obliterated.
    This is the God Jesus came to make approachable. Strange that now, in our friendliness, we’ve become bored with him. Unless we mean we are not really bored with God, only the worship of him. Which in a biblical sense is absurd and impossible.

    Early church inherited this understanding of God and worship as it was then expressed in the synagogue. I doubt that categories of “bored” or “interesting” or “doing something/nothing for me” or “i could be doing something different with my time” were even on their radar. And in that vein, while i am all for creativity in our weekend experiences, i don’t think whether a service is good or not has much of anything to do with the order of service, or going micro, macro, or mega. An issue like this — which i understand and sympathize with — seems to be based on our yearning for God and our sense that our current assemblies aren’t connecting with the transcendent. I just don’t think the whole discussion about externals is productive or even intelligent. Do we really think people who are bored with church will be made happy and unbored if there are fewer people in the room? If we alter the liturgy? If the worship leaders doesn’t wear straight legged jeans? At some point it sure seems like we might start looking inward and then upward. Inward at our own hearts and minds, to learn that as we come to worship we have come to expect that it is someone’s repsonsibilty to prevent my boredom — and realize that people who complain about how other peopel aren’t very deep are usually not very deep themselves, and what is needed is the ability to be deep enough so that any moment and experience becomes a holy moment, and one in which genuine worship takes place. And then we need to look, most of all, upward at a holy God whose opinion of our collective sacrifice of praise, thanks, humility, confession, and adoration is all that really matters.

    See you Sunday. 🙂 Keep the good, honest, interesting stuff coming. It’s good for the church…and it might even be good for God. 🙂


    Comment by Ben | December 6, 2010 | Reply

    • Hah … Well Said!

      Comment by Stephen St.James | August 11, 2011 | Reply

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